Black spots
Black spots on the face skin is removed by washing your face every day with potato juice, till spots are cleared. Use 2 potatoes already peeled to make potatoes juice.
Eye bags
Potatoes are known to have catecholase substances that can brighten the skin and remove eye bags. The trick, cut a raw potato slices and place on top of a thin layer of cheese, then leave it under your eyes for 20 minutes.
U can also use two slices of potatoes(like u would use cucumber)on your eyes wen relaxing with your facial masks, it clears eye bags.
To make your cleanser, grate potatoes and cucumbers without peeling the skin and then mix both of them. After that, add a teaspoon of baking soda, one egg and one-quarter cup water, then blend for about one minute in low speed. Before applying, wash your face first and dry with a towel.
Face Mask
To make a facial mask ,grate a few potatoes. Then rub the grated potatoes into your skin . Give more attention to the most severe areas. Leave on your face for 30 minutes. After that, wash your face mask with clean water and a little vinegar. ----- juice made from the tubers is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, bringing relief from pain and acidity.
A poultice has been made from boiling potatoes in water which is applied to rheumatic joints, swellings, skin rashes, haemorrhoids etc.
Peeled but uncooked potatoes have been pounded in a mortar and then applied cold as a soothing plaster to burns and scalds.
Potato skins are used in India to treat swollen gums and to heal burns.
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